Exam Schedule

NOTE: Practical Examinations will commence from 1st week of May of every year between 9.00 AM and 2.00 PM and Theory Examinations conducted in 1st week of July and 1st week of January of every year between 12AM to 3PM and 3PM to 6PM of respective semesters according to the subjects at all respective College, School, Coaching centre, Institutions, Counselling centre, Examination Centres.
The Candidates can download the admit card available on our official portal. There will be no change in the dates of examinations and practical examination will be conducted at their respected schedule which send to every College, School, Coaching centre, Institutions, Counselling centre, Examination Centres via the suitable mode.

for details please contact centre/school in advance
Deputy Registrar
Quetzal International College of Science & Development